Samantha is a 8 months old girl looking for a forever family.
Samantha is an 8-month-old, 37-lb girl. She’s a teacher’s pet 🙂 – very smart, good on a leash, and obedient, despite being very active and agile. She would make an excellent addition to a family with kids, because she loves people in general, and children in particular. He has a wonderful temperament and is very people oriented.
She was brought into the rescue from the streets, and has been living there for 4 months, before a kind person found her laying under a tree and brought to the shelter.
Samantha cant wait to join your family, and will be a wonderful family pet !
She is completely vaccinated, spayed, micro chipped and is ready to join your family!
Please familiarize yourself with our Adoption Process.
If interested to schedule an Appointment to meet, please fill out Adoption application.
We are a small, all Volunteer Foster Based Rescue Group, we do not have a Shelter Location. Our animals are available for meets By APPOINTMENTS ONLY at Foster Homes in Bay Area
Breed | Mix |
Color | Tan/Brown |
Age | 8 months |
Size | Med. 37 lbs |
Sex | Female |