On June 24th, 2021 Twix flew over the California!!!
He is a 7 months old boy looking for a forever family.
Twix is a lovable, sweet boy. He was rescued as a puppy barely able to walk, but luckily he received a proper treatment and nutrition. As a result of which now he is able to walk, run and play like any other pup. He is very affectionate, friendly and eager to play with other dogs. He is still a bit shy with humans because of all he’d suffered, but once he has understood that he is on his turf and is safe, he comes into his own. Twix’s foster is very caring, he was practicing with Twix walking on leash, riding in cars, and socializing him. Twix would be a great addition to a caring, and kind family, he will love hanging out with you, and love you back so much! We have no doubt that his confidence will grow with some time and patience. Twix is completely vaccinated, neutered, micro chipped and is ready to join your family.
He weighs 33 lb.
Hoping he will get the very loving parents soon!!
Twix was released from the veterinary clinic, and is resting at medical foster home. He is prescribed to stay on bed rest, and is already doing much better! Twix is receiving joints and ligaments support medications and supplements, lots of good food, to help his body recover and gain more strength.
Please consider donating toward his medical care! Thank you!!!
Twix has lived on the streets since he was born and due to constant struggle to find food, lack of nutrition resulted in his physical health deteriorating by the minute. During the harsh winter in Volgograd, Russia he would attempt to seek warmth under parked cars, and even though neighbors saw him living each day as a struggle, no one bothered to help him. Until one day, when a girl took a video of him and contacted rescuers begging to help him.
When rescue volunteers saw the video of Twix, they hurried to find the poor pup. When Twix was found, On top of him being severely malnourished and lethargic, he could barely walk due to his deformed paws. How he managed to survive all this time in his current condition is a mystery in itself.
Twix is currently at the vet receiving an evaluation and X-rays. The preliminary diagnosis is Rickets, as well as Hyperparayreosis, complicated by the weakness of his ligaments and joints. While Twix may finally be safe, he is far from being healthy, and he can use all the support he can get. Please consider donating toward his medical care!
Thank you!!!