Meet Honey!
Honey is very smart and curious 6 m.o pup. She loves toys and long walks. She is sweet with children, does not care about cats.
She is ready to go home with you this holiday season. Would you be her Christmas miracle?
Update from the foster family: Honey is getting potty trained, and getting used to walking on a leash. She is very playful and loves to play fetch. She is learning a lot from Kuzu (our pup) and mimics him with certain behaviors which is very sweet. She loves tall grass and loves to run in it. She barks at her reflection and loves to sleep next to people when she takes naps. She is drawn to children when we walk, but she is a bit afraid of men. I think she will do really well with a family and also with another dog.
Accepting applications now.
Breed | Mix |
Color | Brown |
Age | 6 months |
Size | Med. |
Sex | Female |