Kolya was hit by a car and his two paws were broken. We nursed him to full recovery. Today, Kolya is a very kind, calm, and intelligent boy. He knows …
Baba Rosa is our grandma! She enjoys long strolls in the fresh air and socializing with people. Baba Rosa can hardly walk due to arthritis and she is out of …
Poor Masha suffered a lot despite of her young age. Some evil person cut her ears off and left her bleed to death in the hallway of an apartment building. …
Knyaz was found as a tiny kitten in a terrible condition on a street. He was so sick that he could not see, breathe normally, or eat. Today Knyaz is …
Poor Maison was lying still on a deserted street near auto repair shop when he was spotted by the workers. When they brought him to us, we were shocked by …
While running from dog hunters, Bherta was hit by a car. Of course, we could not leave her there! She desperately needed extensive treatment, including surgery. Bertha recovered over time, …