Rocco is a young German Shepherd boy, he is about two years old. He kisses you every chance he has and loves to cuddle! Rocco is very people-oriented: every time his foster family is watching TV together he tries to get as close as possible to them, observing them or just sleeping somewhere nearby.
Rocco was surrendered by his owner because he cannot walk well. He is underweight (56 pounds) and needs special care. We don’t know the reason for his knee injuries but the good news is that with few medical procedures his life should dramatically improve!
Rocco will become a loving friend for a whole family: despite all the difficulties walking he still comes to you to cuddle.. Also he is very smart: Rocco learned “shake” in 10 minutes! He will be best in a family with no other pets because he is scared of other dogs. Dog behavior specialist is working with Rocco and the progress is really great so far, but he will still need some time and a patient family to overcome those issues.