Twix is a 7 months old boy looking for a forever family.
Twix is a lovable 33-lb boy. When he was rescued as a little puppy, who was barely able to walk at the time he had been admitted to the rescue. He had been diagnosed with rickets, caused by lack of food, while growing up in the streets. Luckily he received a proper treatment and nutrition, after been rescued (our Rescue had helped with fundraising for his care costs); as a result of which now he is able to walk, run and play like any other pup. He is very affectionate, friendly and eager to play with other dogs. He is still a bit shy with humans because of all he’d suffered, but once he has understood that he is on his turf and is safe, he comes into his own. Twix’s foster is very caring, he was practicing with Twix walking on leash, riding in cars, and socializing him. Twix would be a great addition to a caring, and kind family, he will love hanging out with you, and love you back so much! We have no doubt that his confidence will grow with some time and patience.
He is completely vaccinated, neutered, micro chipped and is ready to join your family!
Please familiarize yourself with our Adoption Process.
If interested to schedule an Appointment to meet, please fill out Adoption application.
We are a small, all Volunteer Foster Based Rescue Group, we do not have a Shelter Location. Our animals are available for meets By APPOINTMENTS ONLY at Foster Homes in Bay Area
Breed | Mix |
Color | Black/Brown |
Age | 7 months |
Size | Med. 33 lbs |
Sex | Male |